David Kean, bestselling author of ‘Pitching to Win’ and ‘How Not to Come Second’ built his reputation over many years as Campaign magazine’s “most valuable new business operator.” In simple terms, if you were in marketing and had a big pitch that you desperately wanted to win, then David was your man for the job.

He generated over $1Billion of new business income in his career.

Now David speaks with audiences all over the world about new business and he will often ask this question:

‘What’s pitching all about?’

Typically he receives an avalanche of answers such as:

1. To show our skills
2. To give the client the answer
3. To demonstrate our talent
4. To demonstrate our experience
5. To crack the problem
6. To showcase our product/service
7. To get the client to like us

But these answers are all wrong. Pitching is really only about one thing.

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