Voluntary, Active, Public.

fouri 561 VoluntaryActivePublic Article

Shortly after the publication of his bestselling book, ‘Influence – Science & Practice’, Professor Robert Cialdini’s team asked us to help translate his “Principles of Persuasion” into a training programme for business. Working directly with Bob and his team, we gained insights into how to leverage the likelihood of someone responding positively, and more to […]

The smallest viable audience opportunity.

fouri 560 SVA Article

Many of you will be heading off to the gym with renewed motivation based on your new year resolutions. However, if you’ve not been for a while, you might find the dynamic different to how you remember. Although it was a pre-pandemic trend, another example of Covid19 accelerating everything is how those who WFH regularly […]

POST revisited.

fouri 559 POST Article

I advocate starting your planning process by using the POST model we developed some years ago (building on the work by Alistair Campbell). Purpose – your why? Objective – your desired result Strategy – how you will achieve your desired result Tactics – unlike the above, where you should only have one, you can have […]

Sign your work

fouri 558 SignYourWork Article

We’re aware that most artists sign their paintings. Authors often have book signings. We might have heard about the Rolls Royce engineers who used to sign each engine they built. But for the most part, work is largely completed anonymously. Which is a shame. To read the rest of this newsletter please click here. https://propertyacademy.co.uk/four-i-newsletter-issue-549Join […]

Icing on the cake.

fouri 557 icing Article

The Jaguar brand has received more attention and media coverage in the last few weeks than it managed in total over the last decade. It seems that nearly everyone has an opinion, albeit most not favourable, regarding the new look, logo, dropping the “growler”, and adoption of a woke position. But as is more often […]

The price is right.

fouri 556 PriceisRight Article

There’s a supermarket in Notting Hill that collaborates with a nearby restaurant to create “Tuna Fight Club” and charges £195 per ticket for a meal and a single drink. A brand new Porsche 911 Turbo S will cost you at least £150,000. Alternatively, you can get a refitted 40 year old 911 for between £1.5-2million […]

“I know you”.

fouri 555 IKnowYou Article

  David Thomas, former Halifax firefighter who went on to become the Guinness World Record holder for memory, a guest on Oprah, and a competitive bodybuilder, has now got “Mr Beast” in his sights (he’s the most successful YouTuber), and whilst others will say: “Impossible, you can’t top the Beast”, if anyone can, it’s DT. […]

Reflect and Renew.

fouri 554 ReflectRenew Article

Speaking at EA Masters last week, former special forces veteran, Jason “Foxy” Fox, shared his personal story of being medically discharged from the SBS as he was suffering with PTSD, and how this led to a downward spiral that caused him to contemplate taking his own life. Alex Jones from BBC’s The One Show asked […]

We shall not cease from exploration.

fouri 553 exploration Article

Tomorrow, 5th November 2024, we’re hosting EA Masters at London Evolution. Over the last 22 years of producing the estate agency event of the year, all but one thing has changed. EA Masters now includes roadshows as well as the main event tomorrow, and over 1,400 will attend. We have more sponsors than ever before, […]

Short v long term

fouri 552 ShortVLong Article

Most companies have budgets, targets, and goals. These are often set in October and November for the next year ahead. But is this the best way of doing it? To read the rest of this newsletter please click here. https://propertyacademy.co.uk/four-i-newsletter-issue-549Join over 6,000 property professionals, including leading estate and letting agents and receive information, insight, ideas […]