All change.

fouri 571 AllChange Article

The BBC reported last week of a challenge to Einstein’s theory of the Universe. Professor Ofer Lahav, from University College London, said “It’s a dramatic moment…we may be witnessing a paradigm shift in our understanding of the Universe.” In simple (far too simple!) terms, Einstein, and subsequently several other leading scientists, believed that after the […]

What about the boomers?

fouri 570 Boomers Article

Travelling to Venice for a weekend break via Manchester airport, I was staggered at the processes necessary, just to get to the aeroplane. There’s a myriad of car parking options. Three terminals, none of which have clearly visible signs as to which airlines operate from each. Bewildering cattle lines to drop bags off. One human […]

Negative drivers.

fouri 569 Negativedrivers Article

Roger Martin-Fagg, the outstanding behavioural economist who has worked with Property Academy members for over two decades now, made a point on our most recent quarterly economic update that “people save because of fear.” Now I’m sure there are other reasons too, such as for a holiday, or a deposit to buy a home, but […]

Best and worst versions.

fouri 568 BestWorst Article

When you interview someone for a job, more often than not, you see them at their very best, (or at least how the candidate believes is their very best). They turn up looking clean and smart, with polished shoes. Unfortunately, with far too many people, it goes downhill from that point. They have off days, […]


fouri 567 Bookcase Article

It’s a very exciting day. My new circular bookcase contraption has arrived, which when assembled will enable me to access 245 books without leaving my desk. Immediately my “important shelf” is 3X the size it was before, and at the same time I can return books from my bedroom, sitting room, dining room – make […]


fouri 566 Flanking Article

It’s almost 40 years since Al Ries and Jack Trout wrote ‘Marketing Warfare’ (MW) which itself is based on a book written almost 200 years ago by a Prussian General, Karl von Clausewitz, titled ‘On War’. Both books have made it to the “important shelf” which is my library’s equivalent of the home screen on […]


fouri 565 Interruptions Article

How dare you?* That was my response to an email from “Tom” (complete with a calendar invitation that went straight into my diary), someone I’ve never spoken with or emailed before, who was wanting to meet to discuss SEO and “mistakes” on my website. That same day I attended a talk hosted by Hannah Stringer, […]

How’s it going?

fouri 564 Howsitgoing Article

Just about everyone has a plan for this year. It might not be complete, it might not be written down, it might not have been shared with anyone else, but I’ll wager every one of us has one. So, how’s it going? Are you on track? Ahead? Behind? Not even started? I’ll make you another […]

You’re a Rockstar!

fouri 563 YoureaRockstar

I’ve been called many things over the years, but “Rockstar” is a new one, (and yes of course I like it!) This moniker has been bestowed by Myzone – the fitness tracking company – and is the latest rung on their ladder which started with Iron, and then led to Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, […]

Doing and not doing.

fouri 562 DoingnotDoing Article

In approximately the 5th century BC, Sun Tzu wrote ‘The Art of War’, and one of the gems that’s still relevant today is his famous line: “Every battle is won before it is fought.” The most common use of this quote is to highlight the need for planning and preparation, however there’s another application of […]