Short v long term

fouri 552 ShortVLong Article

Most companies have budgets, targets, and goals. These are often set in October and November for the next year ahead. But is this the best way of doing it? To read the rest of this newsletter please click here. over 6,000 property professionals, including leading estate and letting agents and receive information, insight, ideas […]


fouri 551 Birthdays Article

It was my birthday last week, and I went away to Malta for the weekend with friends who were also celebrating. Although you can sort of expect it, it’s still somehow a lovely surprise to receive messages on “your day” and I was very touched. Significantly it wasn’t just family and friends though. To read […]

Special lessons.

fouri 550 SpecialLessons Article

In our 22 years of producing leadership conferences and business events, we have delivered a vast amount of four-i* on the big stage. *Information, Insight, Ideas & Inspiration. We’ve learned from many incredibly successful business leaders such as Rob Collins of Waitrose, Tamara Lohan of Mr & Mrs Smith, Mike Clare of Dreams, James Caan […]

Transparent tailoring.

fouri 549 TransparentTailoring Article

My 35 year old dinner suit is being retired. It’s seen a lot, and served me very well. It was the first suit I bought where the price exceeded my monthly income, make that the only suit, but on a cost per wear basis it was a bargain. I did buy another, lightweight alternative, just […]

Gett & Take.

fouri 548 Gett&Take Article

Like many of us, I increasingly use apps for all sorts of things, and if I want to take a black cab in London I used to go to Gett. However, Tony (my driver this morning) told me a few things about the app that will cause me to change my behaviour – because it […]

The wrong dream.

fouri 547 TheWrongDream Article

For all of my life, I’ve read, listened to, and watched various experts, politicians, and futurists make the case for automation on the basis that life will become easier, better, and with much more time for “leisure activities.” Over six decades I’ve been fortunate to enjoy the development of television (it existed before I was […]

1 in a 1,000.

fouri 546 1in1000 Article

Ten years ago, I did two things that are milestones in my career. In 2014 we changed the name of the charity that I co-founded in 2008 from ‘Estate Agency Foundation’ to ‘Agents Giving’. That same year I wrote the first four-i. I haven’t kept a tally of how much money Agents Giving has helped […]


fouri 545 Mediocrity Article

Todd Henry, author of ‘The Accidental Creative’ stated: “Mediocrity doesn’t just happen. It’s chosen over time through small choices made day by day.” My belief is that this applies even more to companies than it does to individuals. To read the rest of this newsletter please click here. Join over 6,000 property professionals, including leading […]

Record breaking.

fouri 544 RecordBreaking Article

A very good friend of mine has just celebrated his 70th birthday. He’s incredibly successful in all dimensions (health, wife, family, friends, financial), which makes him one of those difficult people to buy a present for, so I googled “1954 achievements” and was reminded that this is when Roger Bannister broke the four minute mile […]

Leadership or Management, Strategy or Tactics?

fouri 543 Leadership Article

Margaret Thatcher is quoted as saying to a senior civil servant: “I know the what. Don’t tell me the what. Tell me the how.” It distills really well the key difference between leadership and management. To read the rest of this newsletter please click here. Join over 6,000 property professionals, including leading estate and letting […]