Often misattributed to management guru Peter Drucker, I’ve expanded the quote: “Culture eats strategy for breakfast” to go further:

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast, culture eats systems for lunch, culture eats brand for dinner.”

In simple terms, I believe that in the long term, culture is the most important factor in determining business success.

In May 2020, our world class marketing speaker and trusted advisor, Grant Leboff stated: “Covid19 has changed nothing……it’s accelerated everything.”

That includes culture.

Now, whilst many organisations have reorganised their operations, adapted their customer experience and embraced digital solutions like never before, the one aspect many have failed to get to grips with is in fact the most important of all – culture.

As we approach the next normal, culture is likely to be the number one topic on many agendas – or at least it should be – and I’ve a few questions to pose, with the hope they will stir your thoughts and in turn your actions.

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