Since the beginning of 2020, (prior to the pandemic which has simply amplified and accelerated everything), I’ve been urging Property Academy members to realise that we’ve entered the era of CX4.0 and how they need to adapt to deliver the enhanced level of service customers expect.
In case you’re new to receiving these posts let me quickly summarise the four periods of Customer Experience:
CX1 – (From the beginning of time to 1950) – Local
CX2 – (1950-2000) – Brand
CX3 – (2000-2020) – Digital
CX4 – (2020-?) – Anticipative
Each era’s key feature is still relevant, it’s just that every time there’s been a step change then something else is needed in addition in order to stay on top. I’m going to be discussing this at EAvolution21 on 23rd March and here’s a preview on what I think is one of the most important subjects many businesses need to master right now.
To read the rest of this newsletter click here.
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