4i Newsletter Masthead 367

What can you anticipate?

fouri 367 Anticipate 2

Since the beginning of 2020, (prior to the pandemic which has simply amplified and accelerated everything), I’ve been urging Property Academy members to realise that we’ve entered the era of CX4.0 and how they need to adapt to deliver the enhanced level of service customers expect.

In case you’re new to receiving these posts let me quickly summarise the four periods of Customer Experience:

CX1 – (From the beginning of time to 1950) – Local
CX2 – (1950-2000) – Brand
CX3 – (2000-2020) – Digital
CX4 – (2020-?) – Anticipative

Each era’s key feature is still relevant, it’s just that every time there’s been a step change then something else is needed in addition in order to stay on top. I’m going to be discussing this at EAvolution21 on 23rd March and here’s a preview on what I think is one of the most important subjects many businesses need to master right now.

In 1.0 people bought goods and services locally – if what they wanted wasn’t in stock they substituted or did without. Then in 2.0 brands evolved to become a way for people to define themselves. When the internet became easily available we entered the period of “anything, now” of 3.0 and many thought that this was it. Unfortunately, digital mastery alone isn’t enough. In the era of CX4.0 customers expect their needs and wants to be anticipated, (even if they don’t realise it).

In the last few weeks I’ve had the following notifications:

Dental check up
Insurance renewal
HBR magazine subscription renewal
Book recommendations
Wine delivery
Gift ideas for nieces and nephews (each personalised and categorised by their next birthday date)
Holiday suggestions
And many more.

All of them are timely and relevant. I want all these things and it’s really convenient that the providers of these goods and services have anticipated my wants and needs and come to me ahead of my having to go to them (or a competitor). Of course, it’s not a coincidence. To various degrees each has developed an algorithm to predict my buying behaviour. As a consequence, my buying behaviour is further changed. If the product/service is what I want, if the price feels about right, if it’s really convenient, (ie one click) then I won’t bother to shop around. My loyalty has been secured by anticipation. The competition doesn’t get a look in.

If you’d like to learn more about this and what you can do to improve how your business anticipates customers then please join me at EAvolution21 on March 23rd – details here: https://www.dezrez.co.uk/eavolution-property-technology-expo

EAVolution21 is an interactive event hosted by Dezrez – a member of the Property Academy Partnership Group. Attendees are able to take part in live webinars with Q&A sessions and meet industry suppliers in the virtual exhibition. Please tune in for Peter’s talk at 4.30pm and visit our booth to get an insider’s perspective of membership. Register for your free ticket

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