To recap, we have now entered the era of Customer Experience 4.0.

CX1.0 = The Store (We purchased goods and services locally and if they weren’t available then we substituted/went without)
CX2.0 = Brand (We became influenced by brands as much, (even more?), than the products and services they promote)
CX3.0 = Digital. (Whatever we want, now)
CX4.0 = Proactive and Personal. (We expect our purchases to be Functional & Uplifting, Consistent & Individual and we expect our needs to be anticipated)

Since I first started talking about CX4.0 a year ago, I’ve not had one person push back on the theory. However, judging by my own experiences as a consumer, it’s clear to me that many companies have failed to grasp it or act on it. That’s why, when I see a really good example I’ll highlight it – like this one.

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