For all of my life, I’ve read, listened to, and watched various experts, politicians, and futurists make the case for automation on the basis that life will become easier, better, and with much more time for “leisure activities.”

Over six decades I’ve been fortunate to enjoy the development of television (it existed before I was born but only in b&w on three channels), the portable tape recorder, CD player, mobile phones, computers, the internet, smart phones, and much more – but find I work longer and harder than ever before, and certainly more than my parents generation did for the most part.

What’s more, as AI takes an increasing hold on many aspects of technology, and therefore on life generally, rather than being excited at its potential people seem increasingly scared of how it will affect them, in particular their job.

Given this, it seems that more “leisure time” isn’t as attractive as working longer and harder – or might it be that we’ve been sold the wrong dream?

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