20th May – Trial a Partnership Group exclusively for Estate Agency Suppliers and take your business to the next level.
Established for almost a decade, the Partnership Group comprises up to 14 non-competing Property Industry suppliers and exists for mutual benefit and business improvement. Imagine having access to a team of experts, who challenge and support you to be the best that you can be. That is what membership provides. Together, we address current issues & opportunities in very action focused sessions, chaired by well-known property industry leader, Peter Knight.
In addition to the networking, introductions & cross-promotional opportunities, a key feature of the Property Academy’s Partnership Group is the 3.5 hour workshop with leading business coaches. The 2019 programme includes access to experts in sales performance, strategy execution, digital marketing, brand management, talent management, negotiation skills and surviving in a tough economy. The sessions are inspirational and we regularly receive feedback from our members that they provide the most powerful personal and business development lessons they’ve ever received.
On 20th May we have invited one of our most popular speakers Roger Martin-Fagg to deliver an “Economic Update”.
Roger is an economist turned strategist who focuses on behaviour and feedback loops which are largely absent from conventional models. With a history of teaching macroeconomics and strategy, Roger has also been external examiner to Bath University, worked with the Bank of England, three of the major UK clearing banks, advised a major London recording studio for 15 years, and regularly talks to SME owners in the UK and Europe about economic trends. Roger is a practical researcher who focuses on how the economy really works and on the links between FT100 reward systems, the behaviour of banks and economic instability.
Session overview:
This workshop begins with the participants listing the topics they wish to cover. The workshop is then tailored to answer the topics listed, in the form of a structured conversation. Usually more detailed explanations of economic relationships are required to ensure that misunderstandings (due mostly to poor media coverage) are cleared up. The latest data on the UK, the EU, the USA, and Asia will be shared as required and forecasts of all the key indicators, and the workshop will enable participants to more accurately asses the risks and opportunities for themselves and their business in the foreseeable future.
Other Forthcoming Partnership Group Meetings for industry suppliers:
Wednesday, 6th May
Location: Currently being held via webinar
Speaker: Robbie Anderson – CHIMP Management
Register today and we will contact you to discuss your requirements.
Companies that attend the trial meeting and decide to become a fully fledged member, can expect the following benefits.
- Partnership Meetings include:- 5 meetings at another non-competing member’s place of business, providing you with the chance to see and learn from other suppliers.
- Workshops with top speakers on subjects including the latest digital marketing tactics, strategy execution, new prospecting techniques for more effective sales, how to be more persuasive and much more. This is your opportunity to take part in masterclasses with individuals who work at board level with some of the UK’s most successful businesses.
- Immensely powerful issues sessions, where members openly share the challenges and opportunities that they face and benefit from the contributions, ideas and recommendations of the others.
- Personal introductions to estate & letting agency prospects
- Participation in our ‘All Members’ day – where individuals from all the groups, including c. 80 estate agency business owners from companies including Andrews, Manning Stainton, Preston Baker, Northfields and Dawson’s, spend time together working on their business issues.
- Priority notice and booking for Property Academy events, including the EA Masters Leadership Conference, Exhibition and Awards.
Sounds interesting?
The Partnership Groups are suitable for individuals from companies of all sizes – owners of large companies are inspired by the ideas and innovations being adopted by owners of small companies and vice versa.
What is important, is a common desire to learn and help one another to have a better business. We learn better together and friendships are formed along the way.
Below is a selection of current members.
Each Group is restricted to 14 non-competing members. Once the group is full, no further members are permitted to trial. If you join, no other company that you compete with can become a member of your group. Therefore, if you are interested in trialling, please register your details now to avoid disappointment and we’ll be in touch.
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