A schedule of upcoming events and speaker sessions that have been organised by Property Academy for property industry leaders. Register now for sessions that have been designated as ‘Open to All’ or ‘Become a Member’ to take part in Member Only sessions.
Tuesday 5th May:
David Smith: More Lessons from Asda and How to Plan for the New Normal
0900 – 1000
David has over 35 years corporate experience of change management and was instrumental in the transformation of Asda from a bankrupt, broken business to a highly successful retailer. David and his team led many of the changes, which created a highly productive performance-based culture, and laid the foundations for commercial success. In this session he will give you ideas for changes you can make to ensure your business is ready to meet the challenges of the new normal.
David is a highly respected author, business speaker and consultant. He has also been requested to mentor a limited number of CEOs and HRDs. He is Chairman of the Board of Institute for Employment Studies.
Become a MemberWednesday 6th May:
Robbie Anderson: Part 1 – Managing Difficult Conversations
0900 – 1000
This webinar will use the neuroscience of how our mind works to look at what happens in our minds when we prepare for and engage in difficult conversations. Why is it that our emotional minds often take over and we aren’t able to be the calm, rational person we had planned to be? This webinar will demonstrate how to be more prepared and ready for challenging conversations.
Robbie is a British Psychological Society (BPS) Member Status Psychologist and has consulted with Professor Steve Peters for over a decade. His résumé includes, amongst others: Professional and Olympic athletes, TV Personalities, Blue-Chip Executives and Global Organisations. With experience of consultancy in Europe, the Middle East, and America, Robbie believes that people have huge potential and demonstrates a real passion for helping them to unlock their talent, improve their performance and to achieve successful outcomes in extremely challenging environments. Robbie works with a collaborative style, building relationships and offering expert insights into the psychology of human performance.
Become a MemberThursday 7th May:
Future Leaders Programme Webinar
0930 – 1030
Members of the Future Leaders programme will join us for their next webinar which will follow up on actions and discussions from Meeting 2.
This programme has been designed for branch and department managers who are ready to learn more about business. It’s for the next generation of leaders and those important individuals in your team that you want to hang on to – people who can and will contribute much more to your agency once they’ve been taught the essentials of highly effective business management.
Become a MemberTuesday 12th May:
Peter Knight and Goodlord: How to design a HEMP: Highly Effective Marketing Plan
0900 – 1100
Peter Knight will be sharing his Highly Effective Marketing Plan (HEMP).
HEMP is a process that will dramatically improve your agency’s chances of increasing profitability when selling your products and services. The plan aims to stop you wasting thousands, even millions, of pounds on marketing initiatives that should never see the light of day.
The session will include:
- How to create your own plan in 60 minutes
- How to adapt your processes for future marketing
- Free template and resource suggestions
Former MD of Jackson Property Services, Peter spearheaded the agency’s growth from 3 to 34 branches and then to 125 branches, following its sale to Halifax Property Services. He went on to become an award-winning speaker, author of best-selling business book, the Highly Effective Marketing Plan and in-demand estate agency business coach in the UK, USA and Australia.
Wednesday 13th May:
Robbie Anderson: Part 2 – Uncertain Times: Dealing with Stress and Anxiety
0900 – 1000
This webinar will explore the choice you have in how you respond, as opposed to react, during uncertainty. A key part of this includes gaining insight and understanding of stress and anxiety and how we can better manage it.
Robbie is a British Psychological Society (BPS) Member Status Psychologist and has consulted with Professor Steve Peters for over a decade. His résumé includes, amongst others: Professional and Olympic athletes, TV Personalities, Blue-Chip Executives and Global Organisations. With experience of consultancy in Europe, the Middle East, and America, Robbie believes that people have huge potential and demonstrates a real passion for helping them to unlock their talent, improve their performance and to achieve successful outcomes in extremely challenging environments. Robbie works with a collaborative style, building relationships and offering expert insights into the psychology of human performance.
Become a MemberThursday 14th May:
Steve Rawling: NOT Back to Business As Usual
0900 – 1000
Once the Lockdown lifts, we won’t be going back to business as usual. This crisis brings an urgent need to stabilise your business – but also a chance to cast aside things that no longer work and find ways to improve. Join Steve Rawling, international author on creativity at work, to learn three short tests that will help you find opportunity in the crisis.
Steve is an ex-BBC journalist, author and communication expert. He can help you tell great stories about your work. He works with clients across the media industry, technology, education and charity sectors. Steve reckons he has told over 20,000 stories in his career as a journalist in one of the BBC’s busiest newsrooms. He can walk into any situation, speak to any person and come away with a story about them that makes sense to the widest possible audience. He can pass his experience on to people who know that storytelling is now a vital skill for business leaders. Anyone can tell stories in a digital age. But that doesn’t guarantee anyone will listen to yours. Your customers, partners and colleagues are bombarded with information in every waking hour. How do you make sure your message gets heard above the noise? Steve can teach you the tricks journalists use to grab people’s attention. He can help you tell the kind of stories that people want to hear, the kind of stories they will share with others. He’ll show you how storytelling can influence people around you and why it’s increasingly seen as a key leadership skill.
Become a MemberTuesday 19th May:
Robbie Anderson: Part 3 – Being Your Best When Times Are Tough
0900 – 1000
This workshop will focus on how mindset, beliefs, planning and core values play a role in how we interpret and approach a given situation. Learn how to work with new or tough realities, keep perspective and work in accordance with your values.
Robbie is a British Psychological Society (BPS) Member Status Psychologist and has consulted with Professor Steve Peters for over a decade. His résumé includes, amongst others: Professional and Olympic athletes, TV Personalities, Blue-Chip Executives and Global Organisations. With experience of consultancy in Europe, the Middle East, and America, Robbie believes that people have huge potential and demonstrates a real passion for helping them to unlock their talent, improve their performance and to achieve successful outcomes in extremely challenging environments. Robbie works with a collaborative style, building relationships and offering expert insights into the psychology of human performance.
Become a MemberWednesday 20th May:
Roger Martin-Fagg: Economic Update
0900 – 1000
The scale of the economic effects of COVID-19 is significant. Income for many has decreased, the job market has crashed, welfare claims have surged, whilst transactions have collapsed and business turnover has fallen. Media commentary around how the government will fund its meteoric increase in borrowing and the effects of the situation on consumer confidence make grim reading. As a follow up to his April webinar, Roger will be providing the latest economic insights and information.
Roger is the authority when it comes to successfully predicting the impact of economic trends on UK industry sectors. He is hugely influential and in high demand, working with the CEOs of several leading global corporations. He has written more than 12 articles for Harvard Business Review, writes regular columns and blogs for The Washington Post and The Financial Times, is Director of the AIC Institute for Corporate Citizenship and sits on the board of Thomson Reuters.
Become a MemberThursday 21st May:
Andy Davison: Blue Ocean Strategy in a Contracted Market
0900 – 1000
Whereas many organisations’ strategic focus is on beating the competition in their existing markets, the most successful move beyond their traditional boundaries is to discover new untapped demand. Creating blue oceans avoids the red ocean of competition, differentiation and rising costs, things that will be even more vital for business once lockdown is lifted.
Andy is a specialist in Blue Ocean Strategy, leadership and organisational change. He consults charitable and business organisations, and teaches senior executives and facilitating boards and other leadership teams. Over the 30 years of his professional life, he has advised or taught over 600 Chief Executives. Andy is a former partner at Andersen Consulting (now Accenture), where he was in charge of the European leadership development and the European competitive energy markets practices. He is a founding member of Professors Kim and Mauborgne’s personally selected group of worldwide practitioners, the Blue Ocean Strategy Network and is a regular boardroom and public speaker. Andy’s clients include: National Grid, G-Cap Media, Macmillan Cancer Support, Zenithoptimedia, National Autistic Society, Wipro, Thames Water, Vistage International, Capital Radio, HoustonStreet.com, National Health Service, Seeboard, Mercury Communications, Sysmex, Shell, Mobil, Wates, Girobank, United Artists, US West.
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