If you want to super-charge your business, you're in the right place!

  • Do you have really good managers but they have limited experience of business management?
  • Do you want them to get better at managing a team, marketing, recruitment and other key management functions?
  • Do you want to motivate, develop, engage and retain your most people valued people?
  • Are you ready to help make the step up from manager to leader and to enable your business to profitably grow at a much faster rate?
  • Then the Future Leader Group is just what you need.

The sessions have been designed for branch and department managers who are ready to learn more about business. It’s for the next generation of leaders and those important individuals in your team that you want to hang on to – people who can and will contribute much more to your business once they’ve been taught the essentials of highly effective business management.


What does the Future Leader Group cover?

Using Property Academy’s primary model – People, Systems, Brand the sessions cover the following areas (and much more):


  • Recruitment – how to identify the key behaviours required for each role and how to interview candidates to ensure they have them
  • High performance – how to get the best from each team member and help them deliver consistently strong results
  • Team building – how to get the team to work brilliantly well together and how to deal with non-performers


  • Structured diaries – how to plan for maximum productivity
  • Prospecting, pitching, clearance – how to deliver a consistently exceptional service
  • Revenue enhancement – how to make sure that each transaction has been maximised


  • Crafting and communicating a compelling, competitive advantage
  • Analysing competitors and identifying how to take each one on head to head
  • How to fill the diary with high quality leads and to maximise word of mouth/social proof

How engaged is your team?

It’s an extremely important question to ask about every member of your team, because the answer is having a big impact on your business.

  • Engaged = involved in, enthusiastic and committed to their work & workplace
  • Not Engaged = disengaged – may be satisfied, but no passion or emotional connection to their work & workplace
  • Actively Disengaged = unhappy & un-productive in their work

And here’s the thing, Actively Disengaged people breed active disengagement among others. One bad apple can upset the whole cart!

The good news is, engaged people cause others to become engaged – and the individuals most likely to spread this in your business are your Future Leaders.

Keep your Future Leaders engaged, register them for membership of the Future Leader Group today!


What can you expect in return?

Simple. Engaged teams delivering better results for your business in all areas including sales, profit, productivity and more.

FLP Better Results FINAL 21

In addition, opportunities to learn & grow at work are important to individuals who are seeking out new jobs or deciding to stay in current ones. So, you’re more likely to hold on to your best people and attract new talent when you can demonstrate you’re investing in the development of your team.


Leadership has changed. Have you changed with it?

Leadership is about creating the conditions for your people to do their best work. We work with our members to develop all of these areas and much more, but one thing you can do right now is recognise that coaching, development and growth are important motivators.

Now is the time to recognise, develop and reward your future leaders.


How is the Future Leader Group delivered?

Peter Knight, Property Academy Founder, personally delivers the sessions based on over forty years of working with many of the finest leaders in the property industry.

In addition, members take part in regular sessions delivered by some of the best business minds outside of the property sector.

Coaching sessions are delivered via a combination of face-to-face meetings, webinars and virtual meetings, with the physical meetings being held in central London. Registration for these sessions is at 09.30 for 10.00, finishing at 16.00 to allow most people to travel there and back in a day. Catering is provided.

The programme includes:

  • 4 full day coaching sessions per year comprising:
    – workshops with Property Academy world-class speakers/coaches
    – sessions with Peter Knight using the People, Systems, Brand model
  • Attendance at Property Academy ‘All Members Day’ (July)
  • 10 live webinars (90 minutes) with expert speakers
  • Weekly coaching tips

What’s the commitment?

The Future Leader Group is £199 +VAT per month (minimum of 12 months)*
It is transferrable (for example, if a manager is replaced)

*For members of Property Academy Leadership Groups there is a 35% discount to just £149 +VAT per month.
Join a Leadership Group to take advantage of this discount on coaching for your future leaders.

How do I enrol?

Register your interest and we will contact you with further details.

Please respond quickly – there are only limited spaces.

Final thought to leave you with.

Imagine that your brightest star left your business. How much would it cost you to replace them?

  • Less than you are currently paying?
  • The same as you are currently paying?
  • More than you are currently paying?

And now ask yourself “does this factor in the recruitment and opportunity cost of getting a new recruit up to full productivity?”

One of the ways to improve the odds of holding on to your best people (and avoid the hidden cost of replacing them) is to invest in their development.