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How’s it going?

fouri 564 Howsitgoing

Just about everyone has a plan for this year.

It might not be complete, it might not be written down, it might not have been shared with anyone else, but I’ll wager every one of us has one.

So, how’s it going?

Are you on track? Ahead? Behind? Not even started?

I’ll make you another bet – I bet that you wish you’d done better after the first month…am I right?

It’s understandable that the start of a new year has become the default for new plans.

A fresh start, ring in the new, and all that.

But in reality, you can make a change at any time…right now for example.

I’ve seen so many times people fail at the first hurdle and then give up. And that’s so sad.

Big dreams become big disappointments, indeed sometimes it results in going backwards.

You’re not going to be surprised when I say you probably need help, by which I mean a coach.

What you might not expect me to say though, is it doesn’t have to be us. There are lots of excellent coaches out there.

But, if you’re in property, either an agent or a supplier then maybe the time is right for us to have a chat.

You see, we’re helping many business owners and leaders to not just create a plan, but more to equip them with the tools they need to get it delivered, and in many cases exceed.

Let’s have a chat – 01372 372372 or danielle@propertyacademy.co.uk

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