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The smallest viable audience opportunity.

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Many of you will be heading off to the gym with renewed motivation based on your new year resolutions. However, if you’ve not been for a while, you might find the dynamic different to how you remember.

Although it was a pre-pandemic trend, another example of Covid19 accelerating everything is how those who WFH regularly visit the gym and take their child(ren) with them. And whilst many gyms now offer creche and other children’s facilities, even with these, the atmosphere is very different, particularly in the cafe/restaurant in places like David Lloyd.

As a parent, indeed grandparent, I’m quite relaxed around screaming kids with really poor parental supervision, (actually that’s not true, it really pisses me off sometimes!), and suspect some of you might feel the same, in which case you might be impressed with a solution my daughter made me aware of.

Jesse’s House is a gym which only allows members with children. If you don’t have kids, you can’t join. There are adult facilities, but the ethos is all based on a family environment.

Currently, the waiting list for membership is over 1,000 people. It’s completely sold out and whilst I don’t have their accounts, I will bet the business is making a very tidy profit.

It’s a brilliant example of turning a problem into an opportunity through utilising the concept of the “smallest viable audience”.

It also means that my gym in London is blissfully childfree.

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