Reflect and Renew.
Speaking at EA Masters last week, former special forces veteran, Jason “Foxy” Fox, shared his personal story of being medically discharged from the SBS as he was suffering with PTSD, and how this led to a downward spiral that caused him to contemplate taking his own life.
Alex Jones from BBC’s The One Show asked him to what extent his military training helped him address these dark, personal issues, and Jason cited a number of techniques that he’s written about in his latest book, ‘Embrace the Chaos’, one of which in particular stood out for me.
“I was living in the past”, Jason explained, “indeed dwelling in the past – now I sometimes reflect on the past but don’t dwell in it.”
This distinction I find really helpful, and suspect others will too.
We all know we can’t do anything about the past, and yet so many individuals, companies, countries even, invest disproportionately in their history rather than in their future.
Building on this in her excellently delivered keynote, again at EA Masters, my very good friend and business partner, Danielle Nash, made the point that 95% of companies spend 95% of their time on the past or current issues – she posed the question: “What might happen if 20% of everyone’s time was invested in conceptualising, and planning the future?”
Might I suggest that you block out 20% of your time to look forwards, as opposed to dwelling on the past?
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