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Coming second.

fouri 541 ComingSecond

I can’t recall ever seeing an unhappy gold medallist at the Olympics.

Not one.

But that’s not true of those receiving silver – and the range of responses from those on the second position of the podium, from complete joy to borderline despair, seems much wider than those who achieved bronze.

It got me thinking about why this is.

And the answer is simple – expectation.

If you win Gold you either expected to or you didn’t but are thrilled to have done so.

With silver, you either expected more or perhaps less – hence the wide range of emotions.

Bronze tends to elicit a more subdued response – perhaps it’s either a consolation or a stepping stone to greater things to come?

The question to consider is what should your expectation be in your chosen field?

Are you truly a real prospect for a gold medal or not. And if not, which is true for the majority of people, most of the time, is setting your sights on gold, perhaps in the belief that anything less is somehow showing weakness or a character flaw, is in actual fact doing you and your team a massive disservice?

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