4i Newsletter Masthead 520

Back or forth?

Four i 520 Backorforth

In your monthly board meetings (feel free to substitute your own label/timetable), what percentage of time is spent analysing the recent performance and results to date?

For many companies the answer is between 80-95% – which is crazy.

If your senior team spends the majority of time together looking backwards, then it’s unlikely you’ll be on the fast track.

There’s a better way.

  1. Circulate all the historical information in advance, and expect everyone to have read it.
  2. Have explanatory narrative summarising how/why the numbers are where they are – again, circulated in advance with an expectation it will have been read.
  3.  Ask for any Q’s on the past to be raised prior to the meeting, (and circulate answers, again in advance).
  4. Reallocate 100% of the meeting to the future.

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