4i Newsletter Masthead 509

The Innovation Loop.

Four i 509 Innovation 4 Arrow Loop

Innovation has often been treated as something to do when the existing model begins to falter, or when markets dry up.

This approach is no longer appropriate, indeed if it ever was.

In conversation with Ian Preston, co-founder of Greenhouse OS, we identified that in order for this new CRM/Business Operating System to succeed, innovation must be a continuous process, with four distinct parts, each having three key questions that must be answered.

1. Discover
What is the problem needing to be solved?
What are the current options available, and why are they not providing the complete solution?
Is this a current, short, medium or long term issue/opportunity?

2. Design
What does the end result look like?
How might this be changed by other technological advancements, including those not yet delivered?
What are the essentials, the nice to haves, and the wows? (Check, is a wow actually a whim?)

3. Develop
Who needs to be involved?
How will the customer be represented?
What matters most: Quality, Time/date, Cost?

4. Deliver
How will the innovation be rolled out?
What training and support is needed?
How will feedback be heard and acted on?

There are many additional questions needing to be answered, but these 12 are a good starting point for your next innovation.

*This is the final four-i of 2023, the next edition will be published on 8th January 2024.

Thank you for the many comments and feedback on the 50 issues this year, they are all both appreciated and will help inform our own innovation.

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