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8 words

Four i 504 8Words

In his bestselling book ‘Purple Cow’, Seth Godin makes a point every leader would do well to properly consider:

“If you can’t state your position in eight words, you don’t have a position.”

Of course, brevity isn’t the only thing required, these eight words must do three things:

  1. Be relevant to the audience
  2. Be different to anyone else’s eight words
  3. Excite and provoke interest

And that’s really hard.

But there’s a good way to get started, that’s worked for many companies, including ours, and that you might like to try.

On a clean piece of paper, write down and complete this sentence:

“We believe…….” and then just write and write everything you believe in.

At this point it doesn’t matter how many words you use, indeed you can write several sentences, paragraphs, pages if needed.

What’s important is to capture what you actually believe in.

When we first did this exercise we came up with lots of things we believe in:

We believe that people should never stop learning
We believe that knowledge should be shared so that it’s developed and added to
We believe in unlimited potential
We believe that one of the keys to a successful life is to fulfill your potential
We believe that there are always options
We believe that change is constant
We believe that leadership is all about helping people to be their very best
We believe that leaders should set the example, and are the force behind a learning culture
(And many, many more)

From this list we were then able to reflect and edit which led to defining our purpose in seven words:

“We inspire leaders to fulfil their potential” 

Now it’s your turn.

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