4i Newsletter Masthead 493

Goodbye Bob, and thank you.

Four i 493 GoodbyeBob

Last week I attended the funeral of Bob Battye, a much loved friend and mentor.

I met Bob 30 years ago when we both trialled a business mentoring/development programme, we hit it off immediately, and Bob subsequently became Chair of a Group I still belong to today (I take my own medicine).

We met hundreds of times, both in person and on zoom, and whilst his advice has been invaluable on so many occasions, I can actually select the one lesson that stands out and will stay with me forever: and I would like to share it with you all today.

Whenever a conversation took a negative turn, if people started moaning about stuff for too long, if the team dynamic was going in the wrong direction, Bob would always say the same thing:

“STOP IT! There’s not enough time for all that. What can we do about it?”

Whilst for some people, there appears to be comfort in going down a negative path, Bob knew that rather than seeking solace, it’s much better to instead focus on positive action.

He would turn a discussion around 180 degrees to see the positive opportunity that’s always there… as you can too, if you look hard enough for it.

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