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Four i 488 Weeding

Whilst I love sitting in the garden, I’m not a gardener, but that said my personal philosophy is based on natural laws and hence take an interest in how things grow, flourish, wither and die.

That’s how I came to read a blog post in ‘The Garden Continuum’ where Monique Allen described “How to weed like a pro” and the lessons got me thinking about the application elsewhere.


Apparently, most gardeners hate weeding, hence the need to adopt a different mindset to the default. Perhaps reminding oneself that weeds not only strangle the life out of your beautiful plants, they also reproduce quickly and before you know it, if they’re not removed, the whole of your garden is contaminated.

In other words, they need dealing with, and as hard as it might be, it’s far worse to ignore and let them take over.


Weeds resist being simply pulled up, the roots take hold and quickly grow back. You need to properly remove them, root and all, using appropriate tools to dig them up and get rid of them completely.


Weeding isn’t a casual task to be done by just walking about. You need to plan to weed, set aside time, analyse where the weeds are likely to congregate, and also to check where they’re rarely found because remember that nowhere is impervious to them.


According to Monique, “the best time to weed is right after it rains”, and for many of us, it’s been pouring down recently, so this is a very good time indeed.

If weeds have a quality, it’s their hardiness. They’re more resistant to testing conditions than flowers – that’s because they’re greedy, and yet lazy too, giving little or anything back.

If you have them in your garden, and I bet you do, now’s the time to remove them – and create space for the good to flourish.

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