4i Newsletter Masthead 472


Four i 472 TomPeters

Thank you Tom Peters.

You taught me:

To pursue excellence ALWAYS!
If Not Excellence, What?
If Not Excellence Now, When?

Excellence is the best defence.
Excellence is the best offense.
Excellence is the answer in good times.
Excellence is the answer in tough times.
(Excellence is the answer in tough times.)
Excellence is about the big things.
Excellence is about the little things.
Excellence is a relationship.
Excellence is a philosophy.
Excellence is an aspiration.
Excellence is immoderate.
Excellence is a pragmatic standard.
Excellence is execution.
Excellence is selfish.
Excellence is selfless.
Excellence is what keeps you awake.
Excellence is what lets you sleep well.
Excellence is a moving target.
Excellence is that which…knows no bounds.

(& WOW!)

Tom, I hope you take time in your very well earned retirement to reflect on the millions of people you’ve positively infected, influenced and inspired.

I’m lucky enough to be one of them.

Thank you Tom.

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