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If not now, when?.

Four i 460 IfNotNowWhen

Broadly, there are three kinds of change: Incremental, Step and “Game”

Incremental change should be constant – the Japanese call it Kaizen, “good change” or continuous improvement.
But sometimes this isn’t enough, and a stepchange is required, something much more significant.
And then, every so often, something even bigger and typically much bolder is required – a change that rewrites the rules, a game changer.

Which type of change are you planning on for 2023, and is it the right one?

To help determine whether a Step or Game change is the right course of action, ask yourself this simple question:

“If not now, when?”

You see, there’s rarely, if ever, a perfect time for significant change.
There’s never a perfect time to get married, to have kids, to start a new business – nor to rip up the rule book and redefine your business or industry.
If you wait for conditions to be perfect for any of these significant events, you’ll wait for your whole life.
So if the timing isn’t right now, when will it be?

Is a good/bad/typical market the right time?
Is following a good/bad/typical year the right time?
Is having lots/too little/just the right amount of cash/people/resources the right time?

If not in 2023, then when?

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