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Tick, Tick, Tick.

Four i 459 TickTickTick

I’ve worked with many successful business people for over four decades.

They are each individual and have their own particular strengths, but there’s a few things most of them have/do, and one that’s common for each and every one of them – indeed, just based on the people I’ve had the good fortune to coach, this one thing has a value to date in excess of £2.5billion.

The one big thing that they all consistently do, is they get things done.

They dream, imagine, and plan – as most of us do – but the difference between the ordinary leaders and those who are extraordinarily successful is they consistently execute on their plans.

Property Academy members will receive our Top 10 Productivity Tips for 2023 – here’s 5 for you too.

1. The 3.45
Three mornings a week, (any three), get up 45 minutes earlier to solely work on a major project or plan. No email, no social media, no catching up on news – a straight 45 minutes of getting things done for a major initiative,
This equals almost three additional working weeks a year, just by getting up 3/4 of an hour earlier three times a week.

2. Box Clever
Every day, identify 3 x 30 minute blocks of time for email – and then switch it off for the rest of the day.
My preference is 09.30-10.00, 12.45-13.15, 16.00-16.30. Some days, this isn’t possible, so when that happens, adjust to suit. The key is to identify the three slots and then switch off.

3. “Not for me”
A great tip I learned from Josh Phegan – get in the habit of saying: “Thanks, but it’s not for me.”
No need to explain, add anything extra, defer e.g. “It’s not right now” – that just guarantees a follow up down the road – just a simple, “Thanks, it’s not for me.”

4. Blue, Red, Black
As best as I can determine, Shirlaws are the creators of the process of dividing work into three categories:

Blue – Current revenue
Red – Infrastructure
Black – Strategic

Many, (make that most), people focus 90-100% on Blue work – current business generation. They only do Red work when it’s essential, i.e. there’s a system failure – they forget the old adage “A stitch in time saves nine” – often this has serious consequences for customer and team experience. And they hardly do any Black work at all, other than perhaps a business plan at the start of the year.

Each business needs the right people investing time in Red and Black work – as a rule of thumb, I suggest the executive team should be allocating at least 20% of their time and energy, (this still leaves 80% for current business).

5. Not Doing Now
As ideas come to the surface, whether generated by you or others, they should be allocated as follows:

NOW – you make time in your diary for them
Not Doing Now – if you won’t make time now, then park the idea(s) in a folder for regular review
Never Doing Now – if something has been on your Not Doing Now list for 3-6 months, then move it to the Never Doing Now list

There are many more tips for improving productivity, and as mentioned, Property Academy members will receive 5 more today. If you would like to get them as well, then get in touch.

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