4i Newsletter Masthead 451

Right answer, wrong question

Four i 451 RightAnswer

I’m asked a lot of questions – here’s a selection from the last few weeks:

  • How can I grow market share?
  • What’s the best incentive programme to recruit top performers?
  • How can I increase fees?

They all relate to current business issues, and on first appearance seem highly appropriate to ask, and deserving of a good answer.

But recently, I was reminded of this fifty year old quote from Peter Drucker:

“The most serious mistakes are not being made as a result of wrong answers. The truly dangerous thing is asking the wrong questions.”

Might the following questions be more appropriate for the post pandemic era?

  • How can I deliver more value to my existing clients?
  • Do I need expensive people or are there tech solutions to replace some of them?
  • In what ways can I improve margins?

Better questions, better answers.

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