4i Newsletter Masthead 430

O v XO.

Four i 430 OvXO 2

“Vin ordinaire” is one of Mum’s favourite expressions to express mild disapproval, (she has far worse for when she’s properly upset!) – it’s profound as we largely recognise that average just isn’t good enough, which confounds the ordinary who often believe they’re doing a good job when merely delivering satisfactorily.

“That’ll do, won’t” is a drum I’ve banged for years – and right now I’m developing a model to distinguish the differences between the Ordinary (O) and the Extraordinary (XO) and would welcome your feedback.

Os are largely reactive. XOs largely proactive.
Os tend to champion their ideas. XOs the best ideas.
Os focus on the plan. XOs on execution of the plan.
Os invest most of their energy on problems. XOs on opportunities.
Os often give up at the first hurdle. XOs press on relentlessly.
Os review failures. XOs review successes too.

What else do you observe about the differences between the Os and XOs?

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