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Ski Lessons.

fouri 416 Ski Lessons

After a two year absence, from a previously unbroken run of 25 years, I had the good fortune to go skiing last week.

It reminded me of three of the lessons I shared with my team over two decades ago.

1. The mountains don’t care.

Whatever your age, experience, gender, race, background, social position, wealth, the mountains are the same for all.

How far you progress is principally down to how much effort you’re prepared to invest.

2. All the gear (and no idea).

You can have the latest equipment, most expensive clothing, fancy fitness tracker, but it all counts for very little if you’ve not taken the time and effort to master the basics.

How far you progress is principally down to how much effort you’re prepared to invest.

3. It never gets easier, you just go faster, further, better.

Getting up, putting on all the gear, getting to the lift, ascending the mountain – it’s the same effort whether you ski a green, blue, red or black run at the top. You’ve got to turn up first, and then see how far you will go.

How far you progress is principally down to how much effort you’re prepared to invest.

I see the mountains as I see the market. The conditions constantly change, but the basics always apply, and how far you progress is principally down to how much effort you’re prepared to invest.

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