For or Against?
For a quarter of a century, Gallup has carried out research into employee engagement. Their global survey measures many aspects of work as seen through the eyes of employees and covers all sectors.
The answers to the 12 questions Gallup have consistently asked, reveal whether an employee is:
A. Engaged
B. Not Engaged
C. Actively Disengaged
When I first became aware of the survey’s existence 20 years ago, the % of employees in the UK who were engaged was around 25%. I remember being shocked that just one in four people were of this mindset – very often teams comprise four people and the thought that on average in this country it’s a 1:3 ratio, positive v negative, was very concerning.
However, the situation today is worse, much worse.
Globally, on average, just 12% were engaged in 2009, rising to 22% in 2019 and falling back to 20% in 2020 as the pandemic hit.
In the UK today, the number of employees who are engaged has fallen to just 11% – one of the lowest scores in the world.
Some years ago, Rachel Clacher, co-founder of Moneypenny, showed an audience the picture above.
She suggested business leaders should consider every member of their team and identify which of these five categories they would sit in? In an empowered and engaged workplace, everyone would be a Pilot or Participant (and individuals can move between the two easily as no-one can be a Pilot all of the time).
What the Gallup survey highlights is that today, 89% of UK employees are either passengers, protestors or prisoners.
Of course, the number may be very different for your sector and indeed for your organisation – the figures I’m sharing are the average – but do you know for sure how you’re shaping up?
As we enter the next normal, I suggest a good exercise will be to establish exactly where your business is at right now, and then to identify the areas needing attention, (the Gallup 12 Questions will help with that).
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