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fouri 388 Yes Anthony

We’ve met some truly inspirational people over two decades of producing events: Paula Radcliffe, Dame Kelly Holmes, Katie Piper…are just three that immediately come to mind, but right up there is a young man who you probably haven’t heard of, and yet despite relative anonymity, delivered a presentation at our All Members event two weeks ago, that the audience will always remember.

Anthony Bennett has been styled “The Miracle Man”. That’s because he technically died 12 times at Great Ormond Street Hospital having contracted four different respiratory diseases, a cocktail that should have been fatal. And yet he lived; and now is living an extraordinary life largely thanks to one switch to his mindset.

Anthony’s changed default is to say “Yes” rather than “No”. That’s it.

Shortly after his release from hospital he was asked if he would speak at a fundraising event in front of a large audience. He’d never spoken publicly before, and his first thought was, “no way”. However, he then heard a different voice in his head, “If you say Yes then something good could happen.” So he said Yes.

Following on from this he was asked to be an ambassador for an organisation with a role that involved travelling the length and breadth of the country speaking to people about his experience and raising awareness and supporting charitable and local community activities. The idea of being away from home so often was daunting, as was the thought of meeting complete strangers, day after day. His first thought was, again, “no way”. However, he then heard that different voice in his head, “If you say Yes then something good could happen.” So he said Yes.

This became a pattern and then a habit. Anthony found that his “Pull Backer” voice was quietened to a faint whisper, whereas his “Dreamer” voice, (the one that always says: “If you say Yes then something good could happen”), became louder and in time, dominant.

Anthony has travelled the world now, his biggest event being in Sydney Australia for an audience of several thousand people – (this was one of the last times his “Pull Backer” suggested he turn it down – “It’s so far away, the people are different, you’ve never been away for so long….”) – but once again, his “Dreamer” came to the fore, and he said Yes.

I’m certain you will hear a lot more about “The Miracle Man” as his fame and reputation is sure to grow. So if you get the chance to see him live, then grab it. In the meantime, try saying “Yes” more often – “something good could happen”.

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