Four-i Weekly Newsletter

Management Model.

Management ModelA major influencer of my thinking, and hopefully understanding about business, is Professor Gary Hamel.

Amongst many academic achievements, Gary has been on the faculty of London Business School for 30 years. I’ve read all his books, seen him speak several times and was fortunate to have lunch with him a few years ago. In my opinion, Gary is someone you should listen to, and when he comes up with a new concept it’s always thought provoking and most often incredibly insightful.

I mention this as he said something last week that made me really sit up and take notice.

“In this Covid19 period, many business models have changed, so too must management models.”

Businesses are rightly changing and accelerating their models. Many are properly embracing digital, in effect catching up with developments of the last decade or longer. Sales channels are being adapted with the realisation that whilst face to face communication is unlike any other, video conferencing is a better option in many situations where the time dividend can be measured not in hours but in days. Client relationships have by necessity become more structured and disciplined.

The best companies have also changed their management models.

  • Interviews for new appointments are now done online.
  • Onboarding is now done online.
  • Team meetings are now done online.
  • Board meetings are now done online.
  • One on Ones are now done online.
  • Company get-togethers are now done online.
  • Company awards and celebrations are now done online.

Lockdown has changed the management model forever. The best companies will continue with many of the enforced practices long after they’re no longer the only way.

The ability to have increased frequency of contact, to get a better grip of time, to stick to the agenda are just some of the benefits – the whole management model has changed, and much for the better in my opinion.

Q. Has yours?

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