The 4 Rights of Marketing.

Simon Bradbury of multi-award winning agency Thomas Morris very kindly included me in his list of three influencers (in a recent video produced by Viewber*) and referenced something I wrote about in HEMP – The Highly Effective Marketing Plan.

I suggested then, (and still believe now), that the most effective marketing communications are those when you get the right message to the right people at the right time and in the right way.

Simon referenced an example I used in the book of a taxi number stencilled on the bottom of a pint glass in a pub with the message:

“When you’ve seen this number three times then use it.”

Still to this day the best example I know of getting the ‘4 Rights’ right.

As with many things, the theory is easy, implementation is much harder. So to give yourselves a chance of getting your marketing right, here’s one question you should always ask and answer before creating any piece of communications:

Where does your target audience hang out immediately before they need you?

For those people who are actively looking to move home the answer is, more often than not, Rightmove. Of course there are other places, and not just the other portals, but for my money Rightmove would be my starting point.

This then leads to asking, “how can I stand out on Rightmove?” given the ubiquity of the portal. There are broadly two ways:

  1. Buy the various enhanced packages to boost your properties and your agency.
  2. Make sure that the way you present your clients’ properties is better than anyone else on your patch.

I stress to all our members that marketing communications can be categorised in three ways:

  1. Essentials
  2. Nice to Have
  3. WOW*

*(What looks like a WOW to start with is 90%+ of the time in fact a WHIM)

Property presentation on Rightmove (and elsewhere too of course) is an absolute Essential, perhaps the most important of all. I suggest that until you’ve got this right you save your money on anything else.

Examples of agents who understand this include**

* View the Viewber video with Simon here:
**I accept that not 100% of all the properties are perfectly presented – let’s face it there are many where it’s extremely difficult – but the overall average of this selection is far higher than the industry norm.

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