
Happy New Year!

If you attended our 2020 Vision event (just before Christmas) you’ll know that our behavioural economist, Roger Martin-Fagg, is predicting a bumper 2020 (and in the 20+ years I’ve known him he’s nearly always “broadly right”).

I guess most of us have created plans by now however, your results will be as a direct consequence of your actions, so for this first four-i of 2020 I’m going to share three proven ways to get more done.

1. Warren Buffett’s 25/5 method

Buffett once asked a new graduate recruit what his career ambitions and goals were and suggested he write down a list of 25 things he hoped to achieve. Having done that Buffett then asked him to identify the top 5. Next he urged the young man to cross out the other 20 – Buffett called them “distractions”.

My sense is that many people have 10-20 goals a year. I suggest you identify the top 3-5 and focus totally on these until they’re completed and then reset another 3-5.

Each morning schedule time in your diary to progress these 3-5 top goals then let everything else fill in around them.

2. Pete Wilkinson’s 1-3-5 Action Plan

I’ve slightly adapted Pete’s excellent planning process and suggest it can work for you too.

First of all, write out your desired results for the year. Next allocate them into three key groups. Then identify 3-5 goals for each that you will achieve within the next 90 days. This will result in 36-60 goals being achieved in 2020.

This is the main process I use with our team for getting everyone focussed on the key activities for each quarter.

Pete will be working with me on our Future Leader Programme

3. Stephen Covey’s Weekly Schedule

Stephen Covey taught me the importance of scheduling weekly as well as on a daily basis. I believe a weekly plan to be essential as a consequence of what Helmuth von Moltke (the elder) highlighted following his experiences in both the Austro-Prussian and Franco-Prussian wars: “No plan survives first contact with the enemy.” Your day will be frequently hijacked and often isn’t long enough to recover, whereas a week allows for interruptions, distractions, crises, etc. and still leaves enough time to get the important things done.

These three Action Plans are some of the 78 processes we’ve developed at the Property Academy to enable our members to consistently outperform and to profitably grow.

We have four vacancies in our Estate Agency Leadership Groups and two in our Lettings specific Leadership Group. Also, our Future Leader programme completely sold out prior to launch in December so we’ve created another Group and have vacancies although they’re getting taken up rapidly as well. Please get in touch with me directly if you’d like to come and have a taster session or get more details here:

Leadership Groups:
Future Leader Programme:

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