
I had lunch last week with one of the best people I’ve ever met in any industry – Joanna Swash, MD of Moneypenny.

Over several years we’ve become very good friends as well as clients of each others businesses and have mentored and coached each other several times as well. What was significant about this meeting was how both of us travelled into London just for it – journeys of 2 and 3 hours each way – and the only item we had to discuss could have been dealt with by a phone call. So why did we both bother to invest our time in this way?

The answer is simple – we both know from past experience that, more likely than not, a couple of hours with each other will yield several ideas, some solutions to issues and an ability to grow our relationship further.

Technology can be brilliant at driving efficiencies. But it sometimes comes with the consequence of not allowing the agenda to be widened and for “blue sky” thinking. I’m all for efficiency but far more important is effectiveness, and effectiveness isn’t always necessarily efficient.

The human need to interact with others, and the value of face to face meetings, is well documented. It’s not necessary for every communication but I believe it is essential to regularly get away from the desk/screen/office and actually meet with customers and suppliers.

Phil Hesketh, an expert on influence and persuasion and one of our most popular speakers, suggests that every business owner should have “10 by 10 on a Tuesday” – each week call 10 clients by Tuesday morning just to see how they are and get any feedback. I’d like to add to this excellent idea by suggesting a minimum of 4 face to face interactions with existing clients every month, one a week minimum. They don’t all have to be over lunch, however when the company is as bright and brilliant as it always is with Jo Swash then why wouldn’t you?

On 10th October we will be hosting the major estate agency event of the year, the EA Masters. Business owners and senior directors will come together to meet with the industry’s top suppliers to get four-i live and to learn from world class speakers and industry heroes. Over 2/3 of all the tickets have gone in just two weeks – the “earliest bird” are all sold but the early bird (£50+VAT off the full price) are available until 26th July or until they’re all sold, whichever is the sooner. Please make sure you book yours now: https://www.eamasters.co.uk/tickets/

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