Show me your numbers or tell me your excuses.

If your boss asks you for your numbers and you haven’t hit your target then here’s a list of excuses you might use. (NB, All of these are in addition to the usual suspects including the weather: too wet, too cold, too hot, fear of snow, snow, short days (lack of viewing time), long days (too many distracting recreational activities).

Also, remember the Onliners and how they’re disrupting everything, the competition discounting fees, concern about interest rates, Brexit and politics generally, Trump…

  1. No one’s back yet.
  2. They’re just getting back but too busy to return my call.
  3. The vote on May’s deal is harming confidence.
  4. The result of the vote on May’s deal is harming confidence. Burns night (Scotland and NE only – plus anyone who’s done dry January and needs an excuse to fall off the wagon).
  5. Australia Open tennis final, (not as good as in previous years with Murray knocked out).
  6. Super Bowl weekend.
  7. Valentine’s Day.
  8. Half term.
  9. St David’s day (Wales and London Welsh only).
  10. Week before tenant fee ban? – (we’d better do something).
  11. Tenant fee ban?
  12. Week after tenant fee ban?
  13. Mother’s day weekend.
  14. Easter holidays. Grand National.
  15. Easter holidays. US Masters (start of the golf season for many people).
  16. Easter, it’s late this year.
  17. St George’s day (England only).
  18. Not much going on this week so perhaps pull a sickie.
  19. Final Premier League games. May bank holiday.
  20. FA Cup Final.
  21. Not much going on this week either so perhaps have a relapse and pull another sickie.
  22. Half term. Cricket world cup (especially as it’s being held in England & Wales).
  23. Cricket world cup (especially as it’s being held in England & Wales).
  24. Father’s day weekend. Cricket world cup (especially as it’s being held in England & Wales).
  25. Cricket world cup (especially as it’s being held in England & Wales).
  26. Cricket world cup (especially as it’s being held in England & Wales).
  27. Wimbledon starts. Cricket world cup (especially as it’s being held in England & Wales).
  28. Wimbledon week 2 (only if a GB player still involved – extremely unlikely but you never know).
  29. British Open golf.
  30. Private schools break up for the summer – all serious prospects gone away.
  31. Summer holidays started, everyone’s away now.
  32. Summer holidays.
  33. Summer holidays.
  34. Summer holidays.
  35. Summer holidays.
  36. Summer holidays.
  37. Summer holidays.
  38. Summer holidays. Rugby world cup.
  39. Everyone’s easing back into work after the holidays. Rugby world cup.
  40. Rugby world cup.
  41. Rugby world cup.
  42. Half term (Private schools). Rugby world cup.
  43. Half term (State schools). Rugby world cup.
  44. Rugby world cup. Guy Fawkes night.
  45. Rugby world cup.
  46. Not much going on this week so perhaps pull a sickie.
  47. Halloween.St. Andrew’s day (Scotland only).
  48. It’s December – worst month of the year.
  49. Christmas slowdown is more like Christmas shutdown this year.
  50. It’s the week before Christmas, everyone’s off now.
  51. It’s Christmas, we’re closed.
  52. New Year celebrations, we’re closed (or might as well be).

There is of course a different option that you can apply everyday for 51 weeks of the year (perhaps not Christmas week I accept). It works like this:

08.00 Arrive at work, set personal goals for the day
08.10  Morning meeting
08.45  Prospecting session one
09.00 Emails and admin
09.15 Prospecting session two
10.00 Emails and admin
10.15-12.30 Client work: offers, feedback, price adjustments, MA preparation, etc.
12.30 Lunch
12.45-17.00 Market appraisals and viewings
17.00 Offers and feedback
18.30 Preparation for tomorrow’s prospecting sessions

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