Profiting in a Tougher Marketplace.

I hear Shirley Bassey’s wonderful voice singing on Propellerhead’s track, “History Repeating”, as I write this week’s four-i. That’s because I’ve just reread a booklet I wrote in 2007 titled “Profiting in a Tougher Marketplace”.

I say the booklet I wrote, to be more accurate it’s a collection of suggestions 25 estate agency leaders contributed when I asked them how they are addressing the changing market conditions we faced eleven years ago.

Some of them have retired now; Harry Hill, David Newnes, Peter Rollings, legends from that era, most are still in the industry, all have successfully navigated estate agencies through a variety of markets, including those labeled “Tough”.

I’m going to share the booklet with everyone who comes to the EA Masters but here’s the contribution from Christian Miles of Miles & Barr which, as I said at the time, might take some deciphering but is well worth the effort.

I’ve got to know Christian quite well recently as he joined our Summit Group to learn from other business leaders and from our visits to amazing companies such as Tesla, Facebook, Google and AirBnB. Whilst this high level leadership development work is so valuable it’s really important to keep reminding yourself, and your team, of the basics, such as Christian outlined over a decade ago.

Indeed, this will be a key focus of my presentation at the EA Masters in October as I highlight both what’s new and worthy of consideration and also those things that have been around for ever and must be constantly acted on and delivered.

When you reserve your tickets for the EA Masters you can download “Profiting in a Tougher Marketplace” for free, (original price £175!), and an update will be given to everyone at the event.

Tickets are selling fast and are limited – last year we had many people disappointed that they couldn’t attend as they’d not bought tickets in time – get yours here now.


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