
Property Academy Interview with Spencer Lawrence and Carla Bradman

Carla_SpencerSince winning overall Letting’s Agency of the Year 2015 what benefits have Paramount seen?

Spencer – The awards are a rare and special thing. In many ways they are the ultimate marketing tool, and that has made landlord acquisition easier as we’re a known entity. It’s certainly removed a layer of competition too as the trust in our service is there from the start.

Carla – One of the biggest benefits has been the relationships we’ve been able to make. As a small business winning awards really does give our brand a boost, and being named overall Lettings Agency of the Year allowed us to form relationships we may not have made before.

What impact has success had on your business internally?

Spencer – It’s been a great recruiting tool and has helped us source the best staff. As a small business it helps us establish ourselves as a company worth working for.

Carla – Everyone at Paramount works hard all year round which makes writing and talking about Paramount during award season a whole lot easier. Winning Lettings Agency of the Year gave everyone in the company the recognition they deserved for their contribution.

What did winning the award mean to you?

Spencer – The day we won the award was the most memorable of my career. It was an uplifting, emotional experience as it was a culmination of 20 years of hard work. I felt exceptionally proud.

Carla – Summarising who we are, what we do and highlighting our achievements in 1500 words is a huge challenge. Knowing we can articulate that successfully is extremely rewarding.

What would you say to an agent considering entering this year?

Spencer – Focus on the awards that you’re passionate about and suit your interests. Think about your achievements so far and what you want to achieve in the future – and give it your all.

Carla – Use the awards as an excuse to analyse every aspect of your business. If you take the time to reflect and question everything you’ll end up improving the business, as well as giving yourself an opportunity to be recognised nationally for your work.

Obviously without giving too much away, have you got any top tips you are happy to share?

Spencer – Try to be inclusive of all the things you’ve achieved in the last 12 months whilst making sure you actually answer the questions. Really prepare for the telephone interviews and make sure the right person is interviewed for every award submission.

Carla – We like to get all members of staff together to solicit initial ideas as soon as we receive the award questionnaires. It boosts morale and you’ll walk away with some excellent ideas.


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