47% landlords & 55% sellers research agent own websites before the valuation
39% sellers read agent reviews
43% landlords chose their agent because they trusted the individual
We have mentioned before how important your website is when it comes to selling your own services, and not just marketing properties for sale and to let.
In 2014, 42% sellers visited agents’ own websites to research them before booking a valuation. The Home Moving Trends Survey, carried out in November 2015, confirmed that it has now increased to 55%. Your own website is your online shop window and you need to make the most of it with key messages and social proof.
Similarly, 47% of landlords also visited agents’ own websites, prior to booking the valuation.
Social proof is extremely important as people buy from suppliers that other people buy from. Consumers buy from people they know, like and trust. How do consumers know, like and trust you? Well 39% of sellers are now reading reviews on agents to make more informed decisions. They are really important to your business.
We know that 43% of landlords went with the individual agent they trusted. They felt that they know, liked and trusted them. How can you make sure that at every single touch point, your audience know, like and trust you?
You can find out the answers to all of these questions at Sales and Marketing LIVE on the 25th February in Manchester and 26th February in London. In a nutshell, we will be looking at how to generate more and better leads from your online marketing, and once you have them, how to ensure that you convert them.
You will learn:
- How to get the most out of your online presence
- How to generate more enquiries
- How to better engage with potential clients online and offline
- Lessons learned from Marsh & Parsons Marketing Director, Beth Hilson
- How to effectively negotiate for better outcomes
- The key skills needed to successfully negotiate
- How to create the best environment for the best results
- How to engage the team in a sales environment
- and much more…