81% not selling through the agent they bought through
Agent reviews read by 39% sellers
86% sellers would not pay an extra £100 to advertise in the local paper
There is so much data to choose from now that we have the brand new results from the 2015 Home Moving Trends Survey.
The fact that 81% of sellers are not using the same agent they purchased through seems really high, unfortunately we didn’t ask why (an ebi for next year!) but something to definitely discuss with your teams. What does the buyer customer journey look like? Unfortunately it may not be that good if only 2 out of 10 of them are then selling through you further down the track… What can be done to make the buying experience more positive, encouraging them to then sell through you?
How do you keep in touch with the buyer after the purchase?
There is a lot of talk about reviews and where is best to encourage clients to leave them and I am not convinced there is a ‘one size fits all’ here but what is true is that Google is used to search and Google+ reviews can be really powerful when appearing in the right hand side of the search page. The fact that 39% of sellers are reading reviews is important to note.
Of course the reviews have to be genuine which I know is what raterAgent prides itself on, knowing that all their reviews are genuine. What incentives do you have in place to actively encourage your clients to leave a review? Its important if you do display them, to make sure you always update them so they are recent and relevant.
Local paper advertising has been debated on and off over the years with many agents seeing things differently on the value of it. What the survey has said however is that most sellers are not willing to pay an additional £100 to advertise their property in it. This may not mean they don’t expect it however! Its your view to take on how/if you pitch this offering on the valuation as an added benefit or not…
The full Home Moving Trends report will be emailed to our four-i subscribers on Monday.
For the 2015 full Landlord and Tenant survey please click here.
To take part in future surveys for FREE, where you can get your own results vs the national average click here