80% of sellers put their property on before
finding a property to buy
19% sellers choose the agent they bought through
2 in 10 sellers change their estate agent
80% of sellers put their property on before finding a property to buy
This means that on average just 20% of applicants you speak with that are looking to buy, are not already on the market. Thus if you are asking them for a valuation at registration stage, you are probably too late. Someone has got there before you. How are you getting to these prospective sellers before your competition?
19% sellers chose the agent they bought through
What happened to the other 81% of potential sellers? This stat ties in with the one above. How are we keeping in touch with our past clients? Why would they need reuse us when the time comes?
2 in 10 sellers change their estate agent
Whilst selling, on average 20% of homeowners change their estate agent. All that hard work winning the instructions and 2 out of 10 are being lost to another competitor agent. How are you servicing your sellers once you have the instruction? Are you delivering on the promises made?
How to get to prospective sellers before your competition and how to up your game during the transaction, will all be covered at our ‘Step Up’ event on the 30th September with international Real Estate Coach, Josh Phegan. Stepping up your game across all aspects of estate agency including lettings, will be covered. Tickets have not been launched yet but will sell out so if you would like to know further information on it please register your interest here.
If you would like your own unique findings to our annual Home Moving Trends Survey, and how you compare to the national average, please take part in October 2016. It is free and very straight forward. The findings enable you to benchmark yourself against other agents in the UK and will highlight specific areas that you need to improve, or where you are particularly good at! To register your interest in taking part, please do so here.