Best and worst versions.
When you interview someone for a job, more often than not, you see them at their very best, (or at least how the candidate believes is their very best). They turn up looking clean and smart, with polished shoes.
Unfortunately, with far too many people, it goes downhill from that point.
They have off days, are tired at certain times of the day, don’t always get on with team members or clients, fail to deliver on time or as expected…we’ve all experienced this.
But by contrast, there’s another part of the workforce who appear at their worst on the first meeting, and then get better from that point onwards.
I’m talking about technology.
For many products, particularly those powered by AI, the current version is likely to improve from this point.
In other words, it might not be perfect now, but it will get better. Unfortunately, the same can’t always be said about people.
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