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Icing on the cake.

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The Jaguar brand has received more attention and media coverage in the last few weeks than it managed in total over the last decade.

It seems that nearly everyone has an opinion, albeit most not favourable, regarding the new look, logo, dropping the “growler”, and adoption of a woke position.

But as is more often than not the case these days, judgement has been made before the jury has retired to vote.

Is that fair, or right?

For me, the brand identity, (logo, colours, strapline, etc.) is the icing on the cake.

What really matters is the cake, and right now Jaguar hasn’t given anyone the chance to taste their new offering. Whilst there’s lots of statements of intent such as:

“A new era”
“A seismic change is coming”
“We’re here to delete ordinary”
“To go bold”
“To copy nothing”

there are no new products or services to back up these claims, leaving many to be at best sceptical and most downright cynical about what’s going on.


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My former marketing agency developed a concept we called “The FBI” (Fantastic Big Idea).

As you can see, the idea is that a brand can be amplified by great external communications, but what fundamentally makes the brand are the products and services. These in turn are ever improving as a consequence of continuous internal communications, (which includes dialogue with all stakeholders, including customers and prospects), based around a core idea or better a FBI.

Now despite all the external communications Jaguar has issued, I’m none the wiser as to what the improved products or services look like, nor as to their FBI.

But what I do know is that a car company that didn’t exist 20 years ago, is today the most valuable in the world by a huge margin. Indeed, Tesla is worth more than the next 16 brands in the automotive sector added together.

So perhaps the decision by Jaguar to entirely focus on all electric vehicles, might be a very clever move that they feel requires a radical transformation.

I just wish they’d showed us the cake before adding the icing.

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