4i Newsletter Masthead 452

Faster horses?

Four i 452 FasterHorses

For years we’ve asked the same two questions after every event and meeting that we produce:

1. What worked well?
2. Even better if?

And whilst we will continue to ask these questions to all our members, partners and sponsors, we recognise that the www.ebi process lacks something very important.

The future.

Reviews and feedback are almost always after the event – they are “rear view mirror” measurements.

Perhaps more important is to ask “And what else?” or, as we’re doing right now on a series of roadshows, “What does the future look like?”

And to get answers to these questions from customers.

It’s a myth that Henry Ford said: “If I had asked my customers what they wanted they would have said a faster horse.” He didn’t – his name was used to add gravitas.

And to my mind, worse than the misattribution, is the reverence that this statement is held in, suggesting customers can’t conceive new ideas and are limited by their current experiences. Which is rubbish!

Indeed, the more customers we’ve asked: “What would you like us to do?” the more our eyes have been opened to new and exciting opportunities… and I bet yours will be too.

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