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Henry V’s questions

Four i 449 HenryV

Almost twenty years ago, I attended a presentation from Richard Olivier on the leadership lessons of Shakespeare’s Henry V.

Reviewing my notes from two decades ago, I’m reminded that what is very clear, is that effective leadership has always been made up of just a handful of key ingredients, the first of which is imagination.

The best leaders are able to imagine a better future than the current situation.

But, as evidenced by current events, the trouble with imagination is that it can excite you down the wrong road, so when you have your next big idea you need to have a chat with yourself.

In the play, on the eve of the Battle of Agincourt, Henry wrestles with three questions:

  1. “What am I doing?”
  2. “Am I the right person to do it?”
  3. “Is this the right thing to do?”

I can’t help but wonder if many of the issues of the day might not be upon us had the current leaders of the world asked themselves Henry’s three questions.

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