4i Newsletter Masthead 444

Plus ça change.

Four i 444 Queen

It’s been extensively reported that the Queen reigned for 70 years, and how different things were when she ascended the throne.

This prompted me to investigate what was going on in the world during 1952, and I wonder if you will reach the same conclusion I have.

This edited catalogue of events (source Wikipedia) reminds us that there are always wars, climate issues, political disagreements, appalling atrocities, natural disasters…

Setbacks are all part of life, and nearly every success story in history or in business comes down to how we deal with them.
Struggle is normal, the courage to keep going is a mindset. Good leaders do not talk about how easy or good things are, they know failure is inevitable, they acknowledge setbacks and they know they will pass. The key is to keep going.

The Queen saw many changes and developments, and also much of the same in her 70 year reign. Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.

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