Tick Tock.
For many people, the summer holiday is a time to reflect and consider options as well as to recharge.
Now we’re entering into the “New Dawn” (largely post pandemic), I know I’ll be even more contemplative, not least having “lost” 3 summers, from a limited number.
Indeed, when you break life down into a series of chapters, and then consider how short each is, and how much as a % we all lost, it really focuses the mind.
(Before reading any further, can I just say that I know there are many ways to carve time up and lots of other options than I’m listing here – I’m writing for the majority, and if your life has a different flow then please substitute any label, for each chapter, that you prefer.)
0-5 Toddler (60%)
6-12 Child (43%)
13-19 Teen (43%)
20-30 Single Adult (27%)
31-55 Responsible Parent (12%)
56-70 Golden Years (20%)
71-84 Wind Down (21%)
85+ Bonus – if healthy (?%)
Of course, many people adapted, indeed some will say the pandemic was a fantastic period, but my sense is that certain groups really have missed out, in particular teens.
And that’s why, as we lay on our sunbeds, or sit in the shade with a cool drink, and consider “what’s next?”, we look at it in context.
3 years = at least 12% of a chapter in your story, and almost half of childhood and teen years.
What will you do to make up for the lost years?
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