Every cloud…
I’m now concerned about coronavirus. Not that I will catch it and die, (although very sadly it looks likely that a tiny % of our population will), but because of the reaction many people are having to the media and government communications.
That said it presents a significant opportunity – every cloud has a silver lining – and here’s what you might like to do in the event the country goes into quarantine for a few weeks.
1. See it for what it is. A new strain of flu virus that’s portrayed as scary because it is new and there’s no vaccine yet. Statistics have been thrown around like confetti but it appears that the vast majority of people who become infected have few if any symptoms and whilst older people with a precondition are vulnerable so they are also to any of the other strains of flu, indeed any contagious disease.
2. A few weeks of lock down will hurt cash flow and perhaps impact profitability for the year but you’re in business for longer than 12 months, (or at least I hope you are), so again, see this for what it is – an interruption, undesirable and painful yes, but not the Armageddon scenario the Daily Mail and others would have you believe. This will pass and there will be a bounce, (history suggests a V shape recovery is the norm following incidents like this). Keep the faith with your longer term business plan, press on with your improvements and innovations, keep focussed on the bigger picture (while addressing the day to day necessities of course).
3. This is a great time to review all those ideas and initiatives you just haven’t had the time for. If enquiries and activities are down then use the time wisely, (rather than sitting around and complaining on social media).
4. Set about a major project such as cleaning the database, resetting all your google analytics and properly assessing your market/competition/proposition. You can use this time to get your house in order to propel yourself forward when the issue dies down.
5. Plan and prepare for a massive push immediately as things return to normal. Create marketing plans to connect/reconnect with clients and prospects.
6. Call your target list of future hires. Chances are, if you’re working from home they’ll be too – it’s much easier to have a proper chat about the future when someone is away from colleagues ears.
7. Work on your personal projects and goals. It could be a great time to write the book, plan the round the world trip or start thinking about the major renovation/extension you’ve told yourself for several years you’ll get round to.
I’ve said on many occasions: “If only we could hit the ‘pause button’ and get everything in shape we’d then be able to press ‘fast forward’ and power ahead of where we would have been if we’d just continued with ‘play’.”
This might be that opportunity and if you’re smart then you’ll take maximum advantage of this inconvenience.
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