Review of the Year
In my weekly coaching tip for our members I suggest that the planning process, to make 2018 your best year yet, begins with a review of the year coming to a close and that this should be done separately, i.e. first do the review and then, a week or so later, start the planning for the year ahead.
You might find the following process helpful:
1. Start with all your achievements. Ideally you will have listed them on your “Achievements/Significant Moments” list in your phone notes but if you haven’t then get your diary out and think hard about each month, week and day – what did you do well? What were the best moments, big and small? Write them down and see the patterns that emerge.
2. Next, do the opposite, identify what didn’t go well and what went wrong. Ideally you will have listed them in your “Lessons Learned” list in your phone notes but if you haven’t then get your diary out and again, think hard about each month, week and day – what didn’t go well? What were the worst moments, big and small? Write them down and see the patterns that emerge.
3. Now think about all your key roles. Mine include father, partner, son, brother, friend, boss, colleague, mentor/coach/trusted advisor, charity chair/ambassador. Score yourself for each of your roles out of 10 and note both the highlights and any deficiencies.
4. Next think about the different roles you have with yourself. Mine include writer, reader, learner, skier, runner. Again, Score yourself for each of your roles out of 10 and note both the highlights and any deficiencies.
5. Review your 10’s, 25’s, 50’s, 100’s (from four-i issue one, four years ago – let me know if you’d like a copy). What were your 25’s, 50’s and 100’s of the year? Did you have at least 10×10’s every day?
By properly looking back over the year and then taking time to reflect you’ll set your self up for a great planning session to make 2018 your best year yet. In this respect, we have reviewed our 2017 performance and over 300 pieces of member feedback have scored the property Academy at an average of 9.1 out of 10.
We have several new membership packages that start from just £47+VAT per month. Get in touch to discuss these for both yourself and your team to ensure your business and personal goals are both set and achieved for next year.
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