
STEVENSON_Nicky-017_New_Grey100Welcome to four-i July

Brexit has come as a surprise to both those who voted to remain, and those who voted to leave, but from conversations I have had with agents and partners the last few weeks, it really is business as usual. We cannot lose focus, so let’s concentrate on our customers and partners more than ever.

Last month I was the keynote speaker at the Auction House conference, presenting on ‘The Power of Relationships’. I shared some ideas on how we can create and maintain engagement with those we have relationships with which is crucial in any business.

I shared the ‘Ladder of Loyalty’ model. The idea is to move those you have relationships with up to the top of the ladder.

Ladder of Loyalty

‘Prospects’ are at the bottom of the ladder as they have not yet done business with us. They are just that, a prospect. When they do buy, sell, or rent through us they become a ‘Customer’. When they have used us more than once they become a ‘Client’.

We all have many clients that use us on a regular basis or who have multiple properties, but how engaged are they?

To move up to the next level of ‘Supporter’, they need to be emotionally engaged. How many of your clients are emotionally engaged with you and your company? To get emotional engagement we need to really know our customers, and they need to know us, and this happens by keeping in touch regularly. Have you got a process for that?

Once emotionally engaged, we are well on the way to taking relationships up to ‘Advocate’. At this stage, those individuals are referring business to us. They are real advocates of us and our brand. A great place for relationships to be! Again, have you got a process to actively seek out recommendations and referrals from your advocates?

Finally, at the top of the ladder is ‘Partner’. These relationships, through working together, produce mutual benefit for us and our customers. Examples at this level can be companies we work with to provide combined value to customers, such as a local reward card. Who are your partners? These valuable relationships need to be looked after. When was the last time you had lunch with them?

As our relationships move up the ladder of loyalty, we are more likely to retain them and of course keep mutual trust and allegiance.

I am going to make a point of looking at our core relationships list and establishing where on the ladder they are. How can I move them up to the next stage?

Could you do the same?

Relationships are incredibly important in any business; let’s look after them.

Speaking of relationships, we are delighted that joining us this month as members are: Robin King, Mundys Property Services, Let Leeds, Brinsons Limited, Laurent Residential, Tyler Estates, Sacha Scott Estate & Letting Agents, and Paramount. Welcome to the Property Academy!

This month we have our Mastermind Member tip of the month from Frank Webster, along with an interview with top Property Academy speaker Jeff Grout covering closing the deal and exceptional listening skills, our review of the ever popular Lettings Live event, and our monthly book summary: The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande. Finally, if you are a lettings agent or property manager, do have a look at taking part in the third Fixflo Report survey.

Have a fantastic month. Stay positive and focused on the actions that matter.

Best wishes,



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