What You Think of Me is None of My Business by Terry Cole-Whittaker
“Self awareness will be dangerous to you. You will discover that your life is in your hands…”
Writing this summary has been somewhat of a challenge for the very simple reason that the book really needs to be read in its entirety. As the above quote indicates, “What You Think of Me is None of My Business” focuses on the importance of self-awareness and a journey of personal discovery.
It is therefore, a strange one to attempt to summarise however I would highly recommend this book. The 20 chapters guide you through different aspects of your mind and personal state, and each concludes with a summary and affirmation relevant to the lesson in that chapter.
Rather than attempt to summarise the book, you will find below key points and themes, which will give you a taste of what you can expect.
The American author, Terry Cole-Whittaker, is a highly recognised figure in the US in the field of inspiration and self-help. Published in 1979, “What You Think of Me is None of My Business”, contains tried-and-tested methods for human resource development, self-motivation and personal growth.
The book is a study of both what keeps us ‘bound’ and also what sets us free. Whittaker, who has first-hand knowledge of both states, looks at examples within our daily lives to show how our mental state is affected when we become stuck in our own thoughts and actions.
“Your subconscious is like a computer – put garbage in, get garbage out!”
To change on the outside, one must change within. Your subconscious mind is an accumulation of early conscious interpretations, and therefore to address what resides in our subconscious we have to focus to become conscious of it once more. When the inner transformation is complete, so too will be the outer.
The book studies how we mentally tie ourselves down using undeserved guilt, unexamined beliefs and parental manipulation, all of which lead us away from a life of mental freedom. Whittaker uses personal examples of being bound, hopeless and despairing to support her explanations, as well as positive examples of what it’s like to soar.
She asks the question, “Do you feel you ‘owe’ it to others to let them distract you? What are your real reasons for being off purpose?” whilst pointing out that, “feeling guilty can be a great excuse for not getting on in life.” Too many people use emotions as an excuse and wallow in a state where they don’t have to be proactive or accept responsibility.
As the title suggests, many of the book’s messages are common sense, yet through Terry’s addition of anecdotes, details and personal perspective, it challenges you and gives you the skills to enable you to deeply consider your personal beliefs, thoughts and state.
“We can learn to use our spirit effectively. To do so we must use our minds.” Cole-Whittaker teaches that we must raise our consciousness and become truly aware of those things that impede the implementation of our spirit. To gain self-reliance, we must give up our dependence on people, places, and material things. We must become conscious of the absolute Universal Force embodied in our spirit and realise that our Higher Self is the source of our good.
“A miracle occurs when you become self-reliant: you no longer judge others because you are no longer trying to get anything from them.” Throughout the read you are encouraged to believe in yourself and your ability. It is this belief that makes you unique; understanding who you are enables you to succeed.
One of the most challenging concepts is that it’s your belief that will attract what you want. “What does work is to affirm for the type of person and the kind of job you want, knowing that, if that particular person or job doesn’t come our way, there is someone and something better still available to you.” Once you consciously accept that your life’s desire is an idea which needs to be believed,
you will then allow the universal creative mind to bring these people and situations to you.
Within the world there is natural abundance: scarcity is something we create in our own minds as an excuse.
There are many concepts and ideas within the book designed to directly challenge your beliefs but this is absolutely its purpose. Within these challenges is your opportunity to deeply consider her suggestions and interpret these individually according to your situation.
Admittedly, it is hard to agree with everything Cole-Whittaker states, specifically the belief that we all choose to be sick or to die. One must recognise however the wide acknowledgement that through stress we may bring some sickness into our lives unnecessarily.
It is highlighted early on that we are all formed and based of the same biological science which gives us all the same opportunity.
“Really your life is a great adventure, and you can create it the way you want it. You’ve been doing that already, but most likely unconsciously. Bring up the level of your consciousness and watch the miracles take place in your life.”
The book will challenge readers, and give you the chance to embark on your own personal journey. There are a number of religious references but please don’t be deterred by these as the book provides great insight: we cannot recommend it highly enough – enjoy!