
How to create “The World’s Best One Page Action Plan”

This month’s interview is with Property Academy speaker Pete Wilkinson, author of “The World’s Best One Page Action Plan”. Pete regularly speaks to our Mastermind Groups in a highly valuable workshop enabling members to create individual action plans they can implement within their businesses. We asked Pete about the benefits of having an action plan and about the principles around creating one, including the importance of having a vision, objectives and goals.


Pete helps CEOs, senior managers and teams create an achievable business action plan to hit targets and reach goals. He is very passionate about professional people achieving their potential and spends his time business coaching and supporting Chief Executives and Managing Directors in a range of businesses.

Pete runs highly enjoyable sessions teaching Property Academy Mastermind members how to create this highly valuable plan. If you would like to find out more about Mastermind Membership or Pete please contact us or click here.


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